How to naturally boost your energy levels
/Finally, Spring has arrived - the season of renewal, growth and transformation. The days are getting longer and brighter again, the first flowers are blossoming - and I don’t know about you, but after lounging at home in cozy sweatpants these past months, I definitely feel the need to be more active again. This is often easier said than done - after the cold and dark winter days, it is common to feel fatigued and low on energy.
Here, I share my top 3 tips that can support you in naturally boosting your energy levels so that you finally stop hitting the snooze button and start your days feeling renewed and recharged.
Morning movement: To start the day energised, try to incorporate some kind of movement into your morning. This can be a yoga practice, stretching or a walk around the block. If you practice yoga, a few rounds of sun salutations is a great way to wake up and get your blood flowing. To stick with your new habit, keep it short and easy - even 10-15 mins can be a game changer. Create a dedicated place in your home for your morning practice. Make it as inviting as possible - that way, the chances are higher you follow through with your new routine.
Pranayama or breathing techniques: your breath is a powerful instrument to influence your energy levels. Many yogic breathing techniques exist - each with different effects. My favourite to kickstart the day is Kapalabhati breath, also called breath of fire. It is like a yogic version of your morning espresso. If you have been in a Rock the Weekend Yoga class, you are probably familiar with this breathing technique. If not, follow this step-by-step guide:
Find a comfortable seat (cross-legged or on a chair)
Place one hand on your lower belly
Take a deep inhale, fully exhale
Inhale once more (but not to your full capacity)
Now contract your lower belly and at the same time exhale rapidly through your nose (just like you were trying to “sneeze” a fluff away from your nose)
Allow your belly to expand, which will initiate a natural inhale
Continue to breathe in this rhythm: Consciously feel the contraction of your abdominal muscles under your hand with each exhale and the following expansion with each inhale.
Start slow and increase your pace as soon as you get the hang of it - for around 1 to 3 minutes or as long as it feels good
To finish, exhale fully, inhale deeply and close your eyes. feel the shift in your energy.
Have a green smoothie: lately, I re-discovered green smoothies. They are easy to make and loaded to the brim with vital nutrients. Also, a green smoothie can be a powerful energy boost in the morning or when you feel drowsy in the afternoon. Get creative in combining any leafy greens you have in your fridge with your choice of fruit (to cover up the “green” taste). As inspiration, find here my go to recipe:
Green smoothie recipe
Handful of spinach (or any leafy green like salad, kale)
1 small piece of ginger
1 stalk of celeriac
Handful of fresh herbs (e.g., parsley, cilantro)
1/2 lemon
1/4 cucumber
1-2 cups of water (less if you want a denser smoothie)
1 apple
Optional, to sweeten: 1/2 banana (or some other sweet fruit like mango, kiwi, pineapple)
Blend all the ingredients together until smooth. In case your blender is not powerful enough to create a smooth consistency, blend the leafy greens first with the water and add the other ingredients in a second step.
Try it out and let me know what worked best for you!